Welcome To Bear River

Welcome To Bear River

Population  526

Elevation   6580.

Town News

April 15th Town Workshop Agenda Click Here


-Please keep garbage cans off the street make sure to place them out of the traveled way within your driveway so the snow plows can clean the streets.  Click Here For Example.

- Sign Up For Code Red alerts to be alerted of emergency happenings in the town.  Click Here To Sign Up. 

- Friendly Reminder Water Meter Pits shall not be accessed by residents.  If you need assistance please call Town Hall. Thank You

- WATCH SPEED the speed limit in the whole town is only 20MPH the roads will last longer, thank you.

-Friendly Reminder Business Licenses are due for any business that operates in the Town of Bear River, Licenses are $10.00

-For any type of construction from fences to buildings please contact town hall before beginning the project.

- As per town ordinance 2021-02 section 10.20.03 you can only have up to 3 broke down unlicensed vehicles that includes snow mobiles, campers, and tractors.

Upcoming Events

April 3rd - Thursday - North Uinta County Water And Sewer District Meeting @ 5:00 PM

April 3rd - Thursday - BRRJPB Meeting @ 5:30 PM

April 15th - Tuesday - Town Council Meeting Workshop @ 5:30 PM Meeting Immediately After Workshop

Town Council Meetings will be live streamed on the towns website.  Go to townofbearriver.com and it will be on the main screen.

Mayor's Corner

Letter From the Mayor Click Here